This paper is part of the International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management (ISSN: 2700-8983), Volume 6, Issue 1, published in 2025.
Joseph Kingsley Badu
Fraud is a concerning factor to organizations worldwide, par-ticularly on issues of finance, reputation, and efficiency in operations (Eco-nomic Forum & PwC, 2022). The manifestations of fraud are more height-ened in Africa, because of the diverse nature of economies, political chal-lenges, and oversights and regulatory entities . Organizations depend on in-ternal auditing to identify, measure, and mitigate fraud risks that make an organization capable of responding to fraudulent activities efficiently and ef-fectively. This paper focuses on the internal audit involvement in the risk management process, particularly fraud risks in Africa. The African business environment has generally featured rapid economic growth, varied regula-tory regimes, and an uneven maturing process in corporate governance. The paper Additionally, this paper explores the multi-level challenges that organ-izations in Africa face in a bid to cope with fraud management and mitigation. These are developmental challenges that create an environment in which fraud may be infested and bred, if not properly addressed. Consequently, internal audit assumes a very significant role in providing assurance regard-ing the adequacy of risk management frameworks, internal controls, and governance procedures. It therefore means that internal audit practices allow organizations to locate not only their very important vulnerabilities, but also the areas in which fraud resilience and mitigations could be enhanced within themselves to encourage accountability and create a culture of transparency that would enhance further sustainable development.
Suggested Citation (APA 7th)
Badu, J. (2025). Fraud Risk in Focus. A Qualitative Analysis of Internal Audit Role in Fraud Risk Management in Africa. International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management, 6(1).