IJARBM: Volume 2, Issue 1

Role of Public Relations in Corporate Image Building and Sustenance

This paper is part of the International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management (ISSN: 2700-8983), Volume 2, Issue 1, published in 2021.


Buike Oparaugo


Public relations is a strategic approach towards the creation of goodwill and brand image through developing a cordial relationship between the organization and its target audience. Image is the reputation or perception of a person, group or corporate body, held by others, often as a result of what they (the corporate body) do or have done. The study is set to find out two major things: To find out if public relations plays a role in image building of an organization; and to determine if public relations plays a role in image sustenance of an organization. The methodology for the paper is the review of existing literatures in the field of public relations and image building and sustenance. Public relations is a veritable tool of corporate image building and sustenance as it helps shape the way publics of an organization see or perceive the organization. These publics can be internal or external. By internal we mean employees, and by external we mean customers/clients and the host community. In building or sustaining a corporate image of an organization by the Public Relations Officer (PRO), there are quite a number of tools very important. These tools include press/news release, press/news conference, sponsorships, house organs, Annual General Meeting (AGM), etc. Different types of public relations are presented.

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Suggested Citation (APA 7th)

Oparaugo, B. (2021). Role of Public Relations in Corporate Image Building and Sustenance. International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management, 2(1).
