IJARBM: Volume 5, Issue 2

Futural Leadership Theory: Synthesizing a Dynamic Avant-Garde Change Model, in the Age of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

This paper is part of the International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management (ISSN: 2700-8983), Volume 5, Issue 2, published in 2024.


Paul A. Markham


As quantum computing fuels the journey toward artificial general intelligence, there is unambiguous evidence that we need to investigate, review, analyze, and adjust previous leadership and change management constructs. For one hundred years, leadership scholars have skillfully documented and debated numerous types of leadership. This paper presents a controversial, timely, and necessary review of the basis of leadership and change management research, recommending a new paradigm. This new era and leadership theory postulates new methods of training leaders to think metacognitively, delivering a more intelligent road forward, in this age of artificial intelligence. Furthermore, the well-worn idiom of “change is the only constant” is now a reality in the 21st Century, driving the author to reexamine the intersection of leadership and change management research. The author presents the landmark futural leadership theory with a uniquely integrated and dynamic avant-garde change model. This seminal leadership and change management research is poised to transform scholarly leadership theory, and impact applied work with leadership practitioners in organizations worldwide, as we move towards artificial general intelligence.

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Suggested Citation (APA 7th)

Markham, P. (2024). Futural Leadership Theory: Synthesizing a Dynamic Avant-Garde Change Model, in the Age of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management, 5(2).
